Sunday, 23 April 2017


If you will walk in the power of divine purpose, you must understand your place. The programme of God for your life is connected to places. There’s a place for everybody. There’s a place called “THERE” that you’re headed for, and you must know it and not try to fulfil your purpose in the wrong place. The life of Joseph portrays this clearly to us that there is a place God planned for the fulfilment of your purpose. Joseph saw a vision of himself as a leader at the age of seventeen. He saw the sheaves of his brothers bowing down to his, but he had to discover where. Although Joseph was promoted to serve in the house of Potiphar, he recognized that that was not “the place”; he was still a houseboy in the house of Potiphar, if he tried to bring that vision to pass in Potiphar’s house he would have lost his headship. He waited until he got to the palace before he started walking in the fullness of the dream and the plan of God for his life. You should recognize that there’s a proper place for the manifestation of the purpose of God in your life and when you prove to be ignorant of that, the devil will short change your manifestation. Proverbs 27:8 says, “As a bird that wandereth from her nest, so is a man that wandereth from his place.” Your protection, provision and promotion is in the place that God assigned for you. There are some people that the place that God assigned for them is with a particular individual e.g. Lot’s place was with Abraham but he strayed away and his generation and generations after him paid dearly for that error. What is your understanding of the place where God put you now? Proverbs 17:24 says, “But the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth.” When you don’t see the hand of God putting you in the place where you currently are, you will always be looking for something God may not have given you. If what you are facing is not God-sent, it will be God-used. The place God wants you to be can also be a state of heart, sensitivity and walk with God that qualifies you for the express workings of God. God is deliberate and He is expecting you to qualify yourself for His programme for you. Eliab failed God, and God rejected him. Take every day as your assessment for the higher things of God.

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